
Saturday, February 1, 2014

2-D Self_Portraits - Student Work

Mixed Media Self-Portraits

My Beginner's have to jump thru so many hoops to pull this collage together.  
They have to use several of the Design Elements and Principles they've studied over 1st Quarter.
They have to create a story/message within their self-portrait.
Bring in text, a focal point, bas-relief elements, the list is long, which means it takes me forever to grade them, but that's ok, wait till you see what I got  :)
Above we have "Restless" by senior Jackie Manipon, a very talented young woman who came into the class with drawing and painting skills already.  She is actually in two of my classes this year.  Look closely for several layers of interest.

And below we have senior Yoo-bin Han with her incredibly sweet portrait entitled "Love Letter".  It's so Yoo-Bin  :)  Notice the text under the dried flowers?  Also notice that each of these works were done in specific color schemes.  Yoo-Bin used a Primary Scheme.

"My Wonderland" was created by senior Alice Choi, and I love the playfulness she had achieved with not only her colors but with her flying self.  Very pleasing piece to the eye.

And one of my favorites this year was made by junior Jessica Kang,  I adore all the texture she has brought into the background, the clever way she created the ladder, the cool looking buildings, and the little girl reaching to climb the ladder.  And all within a monochromatic color scheme.  Brilliant!
She calls it "Reaching for the Stars". 

These next two are so similar in color and diagonal flow, but couldn't be more different in content/message.

Above we have the work of junior Karen Malacon with "Castle on a Cloud", her message powerful and uplifting.  Below in junior Zoe Lin's "Shy", the message is so much critical, and introspective.

Senior Tim Creasy came thru big time with his "Seize the Day".  His visual strong and appealing.  Notice the broken glass shards he has collaged into the center area?  Really cool piece Tim!

And below senior Catherine Chiou has given us a much more somber piece entitled "Where?"  She has created a strong sense of perspective with visually appealing textures.  I am really attracted to this work.  Notice there are messages in the trees?  And she has collaged the tree bark so that it looks real.  Love it Catherine!

 This really dark one above called "No one Knows" by sophomore Elias Rodriquez is pretty darn scary.  He has built an elaborate focal point and really pushed the boundaries of bas-relief which I really love.  Elias is an up and comer here at Whitney.  He has guts and imagination and isn't afraid to express himself thru his art.  My other students and I always look forward to seeing what he will come up with next. 

"Forward unto Dawn" is another neat piece that came in from junior Michael Cantu.  He built an elaborate structure out of wood to house his focal point, then continued his design outward thru each level.  How cool is that?

And lastly I want to show off senior Vivian Huong's "Reach".  I love that she thought to bring in branches and worked in a neutral color scheme for a very effective work.
Pretty impressive pieces for Beginners, right?

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