
Saturday, February 1, 2014

My Winter Garden...

is in high gear right now.  My new amaryllis bulb is blooming like crazy, 4 at one time, Woohoo!!!

And my geraniums are going great guns as well.

My strawberries have come back for the third year in a row to give me deliciousness.

But it's my tomato plants that are a bit confused.  Instead of dying out at the end of the summer, they've come back with our weird warm weather and are still producing decent tasting fruit.
Hoping for the cold and rain here in sunny Southern Cal.
Our Governor declared a drought the other day, so it's just a matter of time before we start water rationing.  Our reservoirs are so low.   I remember when I was in my teens in the 1970's, we had a severe drought and we watered our yard with teeth brushing, face washing water.  We had buckets everywhere.  It was no fun.  :(

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful garden for this time of year! We have to dig through snow to find the ground.
