
Friday, September 13, 2013

Wire Faces - Student Work

This is the first time you are seeing this assignment, can't seem to find the pix from 2 school years ago when I first tried this project.  Have to tell you the Beginning 3-D kids in both school years HATED IT, complained the whole time.  but I'm going to keep teaching it because the results are so wonderful as you will see. The requirements were to bring in a pic from home to work on top of.  The kids lay their wire on top of the edges of all the facial features and conform the wire to them.  Easy breezy right???  Nope, the kids really struggled to make these happen.  My view is that sometimes you need a good struggle to help you grow as person and as an artist.

The one above with the wonderful red lips was done by senior Mylan Jefferson.  

And the expressive one below by senior Leah Huang.

The pretty piece with the roses was made by senior May Luong,.

And the one below by sophomore Reis Misaka with the great curly hair.

Sophomore Laarnie Barcelon created this next one above with the cool matt ( they also had to mount their piece when done).

Below is the work of 8th grader Jenna De La Paz.

Here's another very emotive work by senior Jessica Barnett.  I really like ow she combined both the gold and silver wire.  They also had copper to choose from.

One of my favorites was done by very creative senior Alison Lee (above), of Albert Einstein.   Love how she mounted it. 

And below we have Walt Disney (who also looks like Lauwence Welk to me), made by senior Michelle Yoshimoto.

And lastly we have the work of senior Priyanka Shah, who really did an outstanding job manipulating her wire to look exactly like her resource.

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