
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Realistic Head Rattles - Student Work

The kids were so scared of this assignment but then did so well with it.  We started off the unit with learning the head formulas for Frontal and the Profile views.  Then I demoed a clay head and how to make the facial features.  I asked them to bring in resources to work from because that always helps, and off they went.  There are little clay balls inside each head so that if you pick it up and shake it, it rattles.

The features on the face above are especially well done.  I'm loving those full lips.  The piece was made by I believe senior Lilith Huang.
The expressive one below with the great mohawk hair style was done by senior Brendon Lim.

One of the big requirements was to make the piece expressive, and I feel both the kids above did just that.  We have senior David Lee on the left and junior Nathan Baldonado on the right.

And below here is the work of extraordinary work of junior Justyn Li.
I even took a profile view s you can see how wonderful it is.

These next two are by seniors Allen Min and Sophia Lu.  I really like how Sophia used our black glaze to finish hers off with.

These next three are quite wonderful as well.  Each is highly expressive with some great realistic features.  They were done by  seniors Helen Beak, Tim Cho and Nikki Shah.  I especially like the muscle development in Nikki's neck area.

And the three cuties below were made by juniors James Cho, Nathan Chou, and  Carol Oh.  Love the ears Carol put on her head!

And these two I saved for last, they were some of my favorites by seniors Philip Hwang above and Zachary Rank below.

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