
Friday, August 16, 2013

More Works in Color - Preliminary Tempera -Student Work

This time the work comes from my amazing beginners in 2-D.  They worked in tempera for their very first Color Theory assignment, but in a flat, graphic style.  This time I wanted them to use their right brain skills and their understanding of light and shadow to create something more realistic or 3-dimensional.

This first one above really shows off the enormous skills that senior Alice Zhang has under her belt.  So lovely and sensitive as is all her work, and in this one I really enjoyed her subject matter.  It reminds me of the tide pools in Laguna Beach that my children take me to on Mother's Day.

In this next work junior Hannah Hwang demonstrates great control with a very challenging medium.  These kids practiced for several days before they did this piece to find their working style.  Hannah is also moving the paint from light to dark with skill, and I really like how she's laid that flower on top of the sphere.

We see a lot of wonderful movement in this next piece below by senior May Luong.  I especially love how she has brought in each of the sphere's colors into the background swirls, so appealing to the eye!

Junior Deena Younan has brought one of my favorite elements into her beautiful piece, repetitious line in the form of stitch, both real and implied.  I also really like that she's included a bit of text to convey her message.  Deena has also chosen to dilute the tempera (in fore and background) with a bit of water which makes it easier to work with and gives the piece transparency and softness.
And lastly we have the work of junior Cathy Luo who also shows us great skill with paint and brush.  Plus what a terrific design and use of color.  Fantastic piece Cathy, make sure you show this to your dad and William,  2 of your biggest supporters!  :)

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