
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

3/4 View Watercolors - Student Work

Michaela Platt, these are for you, you've only waited 4 months  LOL  Thanks sweet girl for your patience.

These works belong to my very talented 2nd year 2-D students.  The kids learn watercolor techniques in first year then we revisit it at least 2 more times in second year.  I was so impressed this year by the level of sophistication these kids brought into these pieces.  The assignment was to draw each other in 3/4 view, and then to use watercolor the rest of the way.  They had a choice between hot or cold pressed watercolor paper in 140 pounds.  I like the kids working with that weight because it doesn't buckle too badly.  

This first piece was done by exceptional designer, junior Megan Yeu.  She always brings so much style and elegance to her pieces, plus her watercolor technique is quite good!  Notice how she mounted this portrait of junior Micheala Platt?  She likes to cut her work out and do something special with the backdrop.  I love that she has brought some pen and ink work into this, along with the gold ribbons.  Fantastic piece Megan!

This next beauty was done by senior Belinda Wu.  We were all so delighted and impressed with her colorful watercolor style, and her exceptional skill level.  This is probably the most exquisite watercolor ever to be done at Whitney High since I've been teaching there. This is a portrait of senior Halah Elsahhar. 
A little detail of one of her butterflies.

And here it is, the one Michaela has been waiting so long to see posted, her portrait of junior Megan Yeu.  This piece looks exactly like Megan, Michaela's skills are that good.  Below is a close-up so you can see her lovely work.    
All my students are graded on good, solid design skills, we cover that in first year, along with craftsmanship and effort.  All three of these kids nailed each one of those.

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