
Saturday, August 10, 2013

Felted Fingerless Arm Warmers - My Work

One of my goals this summer has been to finish up the numerous projects that I start, only to be distracted by other new ideas.  So every night this summer has been my crafting night, it includes artfully mending tired clothing (hate paying tailor's when I know I could do it myself), trying out possible new assignment ideas, and getting as many old projects done as possible.  These felted mittens where started last summer when I went thrift shopping and found this great old wool Xmas Sweater.  I  threw it in the washing machine and felted it down then cut off the sleeves and body of the sweater for further ideas.  So recently I pulled the pieces out and turned the sleeves into fingerless mitts.  I used an expensive merino wool yarn to crochet around the edges, as well as do a bit of embroidery throughout the body of the gloves.  And then I finished them up with antique buttons from my mother and Jim's mothers button boxes, with chained yarn loops.They are going to be the first items I put up on my new "Shop" page.  I will be selling them for $39.  If you are interested, e-mail me and I'll send them out to you. 

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