
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Junior Tristin Eddy - Spinner Extraordinaire - With Her Yarn!!!

One of my favorite aspects about teaching is when my students fall in love with an art or craft, and want to explore it more on their own at home.  This year Tristin caught the spinning bug.

Every year in my Beginning 3-d class I teach the kids how to spin and dye their own yarn using only little coat hanger hooks which amazingly work really well.  And then if the kids get into it they might move onto a drop spindle or even choose from one of my many spinning wheels.  This year Tristin Eddy totally loved the process and came in at lunch and after school so she could learn to use the wheel.  I encouraged her to take it home and she was off to spin up some beautiful roving that she had bought over Xmas break in Las Cruces, New Mexico.  I understand that Tristin's grandfather has a wheel for her and she will be picking it up soon.  That makes my heart so happy Tristin.

Tomorrow I hope to show off Tristin's yarn below. 
And here it is - Tah Dah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
Can you believe this is her first singles on the wheel???  She's pro already, plus she has started to knit it up into a scarf, WOW, told ya she was gooooooooooooooood  :)
Ma, Pa, Grandma & Grandpa Eddy, look at your girl go!

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