
Friday, February 15, 2013

Digital Camera Bag with Pocket for Batteries - My Work

This bag was a new assignment for my Advanced 3-D students to teach them tons of new techniques that we didn't cover in the Intermediate level (picking up stitches, button bands & holes, i-cords, 3-needle bind off, mattress stitch, casing, ruffle, and after thought pocket.  This pattern comes from Cloudpatcher Studio and is called Wondrous Thing.  I picked up the pattern from Alamitos Bay Yarn Company in Long Beach.    
So over this last summer I knit up 3 bags as examples for my students.  The funnest part was picking out the various buttons to compliment the bags.
The ne above was my last one I knit and the one below was my first.  This first on I only used the one multicolored yarn throughout the whole piece.
But in my second bag below I began to play with contrasting color.
My first and second bag are for sale if you are interested, just drop me an e-mail at
Rita, Kevin and Nida, these are due on Tuesday when you get back by 3:00.  Have fun you nutty knitters  LOL.  Call me if you need help.

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