
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Eco-Dyed Silk Bundles - My Students

Thanks to the great class I took this summer with India Flint, I was able to implement her silk bundle technique with my students, and they loved it.  I'm not sure what the funnest part was; the wandering around the school picking up windfall, and maybe pucking a flower or two, or the opening of the bundles at the end.  All's I know is that they turned out remarkably well for the first time teaching this unit.
I did the assignment with my Beginning 3-D students.  Here are Bhavi and Priyanka above and Alison below laying out their designs on various types of silks I got them from Dharma Trading Co.

I've been collecting twigs all summer for the kids to wrap their bundles around.  Then into the dye-baths they go.


Ornamental Plum

and Raspberries (I cheated and added just a touch of Wine Rit Dye)

The unveiling.

and some close-ups.  Aren't they gorgeous!

Here are what the bundles look like in the dye-bath, and after they come out to cool.
What was really fun was to hang them on a line outside my room for the rest of the school to see.
Below is a little dye garden I have going for the kids.
More about that tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. On my gosh! Those turned out beautifully. What amazing surprises you had when the bundles were opened.
