
Thursday, November 22, 2012

A Dyer's Garden

I thought it would be fun for my students to have a garden right outside the classroom door to harvest plant matter from.  So at the beginning of this school year I brought in a pot of flowers from home and have been adding to it since.  The kids have found the trellis for the morning glories quite handy for all sorts of things, to dry their yarns and towels, to hang their tye-dye pieces from, and so forth.  So the trellis has become it's own sort of art work that changes on a daily basis.
Since the beginning of school, I 've added a few more pots, as well as a large zip lock bag which houses a spider plant with many babies hanging off.  A couple of kids have taken an interest in the tiny garden and I've been giving them marigold seeds and baby spiders to plant in their own gardens.  And then one day I noticed a new variegated spider plant in one of the pots.  I thought how cool, someone has brought me a gift.  It turns out it was one of my seniors, Kevin Tang.  Thank you Kevin for your thoughtful addition.  :)

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