
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Modified Contour with Pen and Ink Washes, Watercolor and Collage - Student Work

Rarely do I show every piece a class has made but I'm making an exception today. And that's because all these pieces turned out so well. I have 6 students in my 2nd level 2-d class, and the assignment was part drawing and watercolor review, but then also incorporating pen and ink washes and collage. So a lot of hoops to jump thru for a small little review piece. The assignment was also about learning to cut a professional matt to frame piece with (very difficult for young kids), but as you will see, these kids are all pros already. Each student got to pick a shell to draw from and I gave them a sharpened dowel that they dipped into india ink to draw with. No pencils allowed!! They were to use their modified contour line that they learned in the first level class. I teach them to draw out of Dr. Betty Edward's book "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain". After ink was dry they were to mix up 3 values of ink washes and brush washes into shaded areas. They were also to incorporate at least 25% of watercolor and 25 %collage into the work. The results were so varied and wonderful that I had to share them all. Here we go with the piece above done by senior Paul Kim. As you can see he is so creative and such an outstanding craftsman. I adore his playful solution.

Above we have sophomore Sam Arias who came up with this sweet piece and look at her how she also incorporated collage elements into her matt, and how the whole flows so well visually. Below we have another talented senior, Kevin Aquilo. Look at his beautiful watercolor background and

oops, I posted him twice. LOL Anyways look at his collaged foreground and all the layers he used. Beautiful work Kevin.

A close up so you can see how sensitive his work is.

And then look at sophomore Hannah Park's playful piece above. Two shells this woman drew for me! With her fabulous fore and backgrounds. And below we have another sophomore, Cindy Kim, with her sensitive and serene piece. Lovely!

And last, we have senior Elsie Engly with her super creative solution to this assignment. Aren't these kids terrific! A close up below so you can see her attention to detail. For EXTRA CREDIT: On a piece of pink paper cut into the shape of a shell, with your name and period on one side, on the other side vote for your favorite artist of the bunch.

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