
Monday, December 6, 2010

Varsity Girls Golf Banquet

Last week my girl Danie had her Golf Awards Banquet at Black Gold Golf Course in Yorba Linda, the girls home course. And not surprisingly, most of the evening was spent with each other posing for pictures for their Face Books. This is Danielle's first year on Varsity, freshmen and sophomore years were spent on the J.V. team. She discovered the game in 8th grade and has had a club in her hand ever since. I'm hoping she will go on to play in college. We'll see. Those are all the Varsity girls in the top pix, and below is Dan with her best golf friend, Paulina.

And of course I had to get a pix with my girl too :) She's really not that much taller then me, it's those ridiculous shoes she has on!

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