
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Block Party 2010

Two weekends ago, Jim had 3 band jobs, Friday night at Java Joe's, Saturday was this block party, and then Sunday he spent all day playing music at the Orange County Fairground's Annual Chili Cookoff. I went to the first 2 but I heard later that the cookoff was the best cuz of the free food and drink (also Wine Tasting Event), and because a lot of people got up and DANCED! This is the 2nd year I've attended John and Kaye's Block Party in Anaheim Hills, with lots of food and drink and a bit of dancing.

Because it was such a casual event I got to do a lot of the background singing (Jimmy shames me into coming up, but once up there I really enjoy myself even though I can't sing worth beans LOL). The pix look a little gloomy cuz it was drizzling on us most of the evening. Check out Kaye's amazing roses that are in bloom! They have a beautiful home and are the bands sponsors. John was able to book the band this last summer at the Pontresina Jazz Festival in Switzerland where they played their hearts out to huge crowds in the streets.

Check out this little cutie pie getting some eats off her grandma's plate.

The kids did most of the dancing that night and we all had a great time.

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