
Thursday, October 28, 2010

Artistic License Art Fair

Come join me at one of the best So.Cal. craft fairs of the year at Estancia Park in Costa Mesa (Oct. 29 & 30). I'm actually taking the day off work so I can be the first person in line when they open tomorrow. I'm bringing lots of money so that I can get new art pieces to teach with. I find that when the kids see a professional piece of art that's really well made and has great design, that they will rise within their own work to the piece they see. Plus then I'll have more great art to hang in my home. A win win if you ask me! Hope to see you there. EXTRA CREDIT: for 5 points of extra credit visit the show on Sat. between 10 and 4 and bring me back one of the artists business cards, or show me something that you bought there, or get one of the artist's signatures on a piece of paper, something that proves you were there. Hope you enjoy the show!

1 comment:

  1. I'll be there a little later in the morning with a friend - so look for me. I would love to see you!
