
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Watercolor/Charcoal from Students in 2010

Look at my Beginning 2-d Art kids go last year. They had just completed a watercolor and a charcoal/shading unit and in these sweet little pieces I asked them to combine the 2 media in whatever order they wanted. In other of words, do they watercolor first and then add the charcoal when the water was dry or visa versa. I think many of them watercolored first. They were able to choose whatever subject they wanted. The really wonderful piece above was made by junior Paul Kim and below him was senior Alan Tsim in an equally sensitive work.

The gorgeous landscape above was done by senior Jeremy Chung and the woman below was created by senior Brain Choi.

And I love the timely message that senior Heather Shim is trying to convey in her piece above, and then look at the spontaneous, lovely and sensitive stylings of junior Kevin Aquilo below.

Eighth grader Heather Warner liked the unit so much that she did hers at home cuz she didn't want to wait for the next day to get going on it. I think Heather's dad may have said something to the effect that he wished she put this kind of energy into her other homework LOL. Then we end with junior Michael Jo's work which I felt was sooo cool. Love the text he brought into his negative space background. I am so proud of all of you!

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