
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Slab Shrines - Student Work

I haven't shown any ceramics in a while so my new Period 5 clay class, these are for YOU, especially you Chareena :). These were made last school year by my Ceramics II students. The project was used as a slab review assignment with a bit of sculpture thrown in. I saw something similar in a gallery on Maui and thought they would be a pretty cool assignment. The kids got really creative and did some of their best work ever. This one belongs to senior Steven Ebalobor and it's so expressive and beautifully glazed. The close up shows off the heart he placed inside his shrine area.

The piece above was built by senior Ekta Doshi, who happened to stop by and say hello the other day. Such a talented designer. This photo doesn't do the piece justice, because it doesn't show off the glaze detail, but fortunately you can see some of it in the close up below. You can also see what she put inside her shrine. Fantastic work both of you!

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