
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Monoprints - Student Work

It's been a while since I've posted any of my students art, so I'm going to be getting back on track here a bit before next years bunch of kids shows up in Sept. These monoprints were done by my 3rd year 2-d students. They learned several techniques within the monoprint medium and were required to do an example of each. These first 2 belong to junior Jason Kwon, I especially liked his little car.

The kids learned the traced, along with reductive and additive techniques. They also did some silhouette work, and were required to mix several of the techniques. Monoprints can be very spontaneous, which I feel helps loosen them up. Love senior Hannah Parks house above and that she added text into her work.

These last 3 beauties belong to senior Jullian Kho. If you are interested in seeing more monoprints, there are several artists in the Laguna Art Festival that are working in this medium; their work is amazing and very complex. My upcoming 2nd & 3rd year 2-d students, get yourselves over to Laguna, there is so much there for you to enjoy plus it's worth 10 extra credit points to you. Read about it a couple of posts back for more details.

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