
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Fractured Frontal Portraits - Student Work

My 2nd year 2-d students were required to find an interesting frontal shot from a magazine or picture they had taken. They were then to fracture the face in some creative way, enlarge it and execute it in oil or waterbased pastel, and then to mount it in an interesting format. These were some of the results. The top piece belongs to the talented senior Brandon Liao. Brandon's piece was so very beautiful, I'm pretty sure that he sold it at Open House to one of our teachers. And the bottom one was done by superstar senior Ashley Chang.

I took a couple of close ups so you could see her attention to detail in the stitching that she brought into this work, and the decorative holes she cut in the mat, as well as her beautiful use of the pastels.

This next one belongs to the exceptional senior Ann Lee. I shot it from the side as well so you can see the various levels that she glued the pieces down and makes it look a bit 3-d.

And this last one was done by the very gifted senior Anne Guu. Again, love the text these kids are bringing into their works. It makes the piece even that much more interesting. Look at how she didn't glue the pieces flat but rather in a wavy sort of way. I love how how much thought and effort went into each of these works. You guys are amazing!!

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