
Friday, June 4, 2010

Slab Boxes - Student Art

Beginning Ceramics made and glazed some beautiful boxes this year that I want to show off. This was their second slab assignment and a pretty difficult one. Most of the kids stayed with the standard square shape but a few others pushed themselves into unfamiliar terrain as you will see. This top one was done by junior Tryphena Liu, and what makes her piece so noteworthy was the way she glazed it. What a striking piece she ended up with.

These next 3 belong to seniors Anthony Nguyen, Jessica Lee, and Nicholas Fernando. Many of the students carved out their lids so they could melt glass in the top. They were required to decorate the box with at least 2 different surface treatments during the building process, thus the carving, the incised lines, the applied decoration, and the stamping.
In the piece above, senior Esther Lee inlaid a light bodied clay into a dark bodied clay as she was rolling out the slab, so that when she glazed it you can see a cool design emerge on the top of her lid. She also stamped along her sides as well as inserted steel nails into the side. This one I felt was the most creative of the bunch. Way to push yourself Esther :)

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