
Monday, June 7, 2010

Colored Embossments

Ok Beginning 2-D art, these examples are for you. The one below that I promised of Ivy Hu's done 2 years ago that we saw the plate for in class today, and above, one that I found from many years ago belonging to our own counselor Ms. Park. She, like Edward Humes, who wrote the book about us "School of Dreams" both attended my class and learned how to draw and design. Ms. Park was obviously inspired by Van Vogh's Starry Night and I'm pretty sure she used water based pastels to color with over top her embossment. It also looks as if she may have chosen the back side to do this on.

Ivy also used water pastels for her lovely piece. Sorry it's not in better focus. So Beginning 2-D students, if you took the time to look at this, put your name on a small piece of paper and do a quick, rough sketch of your design idea for the assignment for EXTRA CREDIT POINTS. OH YEAH!!

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