
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

These are for you Elena at Green Cube - Student Art

A great new store opened in Laguna Beach recently called Green Cube, trying to sell only "green" items, and they specialize in a lot of recycled sculpture, which is right up my alley since I have such a limited budget to work with. We do a lot of recycled art in my class. Anyways, I found the store last Saturday night when I was down in Laguna for dinner with my man Jim, and Elena, the shop keeper gave us a tour of the place. So many clever, cool things to see and buy. And yes, I did go a bit overboard with a few purchases :) When Elena found out I was an art teacher she expressed an interest in seeing some of the recycled pieces that we do in my classes, so here you go Elena. I call these Wood Angels and they are made from many recycled goodies. All the wood comes from a dumpster that I pass every morning on my way to school labeled "Free Wood". We also used only recycled papers, cardboard, and buttons to collage with. The amazing sculpture above belongs to senior Kevin Ni and was one of my personal favorites this year.

This wood burned piece was made by very talented senior Ashlee Chang whose work you see quite often on my blog. This one is another personal favorite.

Senior Anne Guu did the comical and fabulous Pee Wee Herman piece above, and senior Jenny Dai did the lovely cube lady below. Look at how clever these kids are with the wire attachments!

And check out the variety of materials they came up with for the wings and body. Above senior Eunice Pang used cheesecloth for the body wrap, and below senior Hannah Park used the insides from a piece of cardboard.

And all of them are doing such a beautiful and sensitive job with their collage elements. Above we have juniors Brittaney Lee and Miya Clark. It is such a pleasure to teach these children. Thanks all of you for giving me so much effort in all that you do. You guys bring me so much joy! And I'm so proud to display your work for all to see.

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