
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Preliminary Paintings in Tempera - Student Art

Now that my Beginning 2-d students have an understanding of drawing and design I have been taking them through several color units like oil and water pastels, watercolor, and now tempera. They actually used tempera in the beginning of the year in a very graphic, flat way (see color theory under side label), but now that they get the basics of light and shadow we can work in a more painterly way, thus these sweet little tempera pieces. The very eerie one above was done by junior Michael Jo, love his composition, his monochromatic color scheme and that he took extra time to mount the piece.

And look at the painting skills of junior Shirley Sun, wow, was I impressed when she turned this dynamic piece in, she's got so much good design going on here from the diagonally placed sunglasses to the textural foreground and strong cast shadows. And then there is senior Brian Choi below who always comes up with thought provoking designs that make the other kids ooh and aah.

We also have the very sensitive stylings of senior Alan Tsim who is a master with the paint. This is so gorgeous Alan, love it!

The 3 pieces above belong to seniors Javier Figueroa, Meliza Panganiban, and Sarah Lee. What I love about all these pieces are the creative design solutions these kids come up with, especially when they only had to paint a simple sphere, horizon and cast shadow. All these children went way beyond the basic minimum requirements.

And lastly we have senior Sonya Liu and junior Paul Kim, both of whom are using delicious colors that really pop. All in all a tremendous job by all!

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