
Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Philip Wilson - School Maintaince Man by Night, Photographer by Day

Phil Wilson has been cleaning up after me and my students for years here in the art room, not an easy task with all the clay dust we accumulate on the floors, and the other art supplies that get ground into every surface. Well a couple of years ago I found out that he dabbles in photography and that his work is quite good. I especially enjoy his unusual artsy compositions. So here are 3 of his latest shots done in my room with some of my former students clay heads.

Aren't these soooooooooooooooooooooooo cool? Thanks for sharing Phil :)
For EXTRA CREDIT: What do you dabble in that I don't know about? On a small piece of paper with you name and period, write about the one special something that you do that you want me to know about you. And it's got to be something that I don't already know.

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