
Thursday, May 6, 2010

Alisa Burke Inspired Student Art

Recently I found Mixed Media Recycle Artist Alisa Burke's blog site (click on her under Artists I Follow) and saw the coolest tutorial for these fabric hearts. So I wrote to her and asked if I could feature her work and tutorial on my blog, and she very graciously said yes. I turned her tutorial into an extra credit opportunity for all my art students and these are some of the pieces that have been turned in so far. Above is 7th grader Kyle Lu's work (which I felt was excellent) and below we have 11th grader Shirley Sun's beauty along with 7th grader Melissa Lanto's Shakespeare inspired heart (which I purchased from her at Open House).

And from left to right, top to bottom we have below 7th graders Kellie Zhao, Amy Igarashi, Jonathan Han, and Jonathan Mak. Really great job you guys, it was so fun to see all your different interpretations based on her tutorial.

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