
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Mother's Day 2010

My kids both know that one of my favorite places is down in Corona Del Mar by the tide pools off Poppy Street, so for the third year in a row off we went in my new little Mini Cooper. We stopped off first in Newport Beach for lunch at Ruby's, then hung around the tide pools looking for beach glass, cool shaped rocks and shells. I found two rocks shaped like hearts , so I gave one to each of my babies.

As you can see the day was a bit overcast but not too cold. I always love seeing the beautifully appointed homes on the hillside as you walk down to the tide pools.

The nasturtiums were in bloom, and all the vegetation was so lush due to our excessive rains this season.

Once down by the pools there are several small caves carved into the landscape as well as homes hanging over the cliffs that are fun to look at.

The tide was low so we were able to get very close to the pools and see all the sea creatures moving around. In the shot above in the upper right, the thing that looks like a black rock is actually the largest sea slug I've ever seen. It was on the move and pretty gross looking.

And because the tide was so low you could see all the plant life growing on the rock formations(below)

The kids also took me to downtown Laguna Beach to a favorite new store that sells only recycled things. I'm pretty sure it's called Green Cube. Got several new ideas for my art students there. We also stopped off at this very cool candle making store in Laguna Canyon right next to the Sawdust Festival grounds, I think it was called Pier Light, where you can pick a mold shape, wax colors and scents and pour your own candle. It was a two hour process and we were running out of time, so maybe we will go back there next year and do it together.

Before heading home we made one last stop at my beloved mother's grave to say hi and bring her a lovely bouquet of flowers.When I got home my amaryllis bulb that I had picked up at Big Lots had opened. Isn't it gorgeous! And then my favorite shot of the day was catching my daughter Dani in a snapshot when she didn't know I was shotting. Don't be mad Dan LOL

So thank you Zach and Dani for a wonderful Mother's Day, for making it very special with all my favorite things. I love you two with all my heart. xoxoxoxox M'er. For EXTRA CREDIT on a small piece of pink paper with your name and period, tell me what you did for your mom this Mother's Day.

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