
Friday, June 19, 2009

Metal Aged Books - Student Art

This fabulous piece was made by Rikaya Obilo, in a copper metal aging unit in my 2nd year 3-D class as our last assignment of the year, and these next shots are of the finished works after many trails with preliminary pieces. The students learned how to age and patina the metal by torch, acid etching, deckling, liver of sulfur, ammonia, and sawdust and vinegar. It got really smelly in my room for a couple of days there. :) They also learned to make openings in the metal and pull back shutters for windows, work with mica, set eyelets, burn a pink ball at the end of a copper wire, and make their own jump rings, plus a few other things they figured out on their own. It was an incredible experience for them and I think they really enjoyed it. I love how Rikaya thought outside the box and instead of keeping to the traditional format of a book she turned her book into a kite that opened. They were required to put at least 3 special papers inside their book and Rikaya collaged her own pieces instead of using the available specialty papers. It really is a spectacular piece, and then to top it off she gave it to me as her graduation thank you gift. I was flabbergasted and delighted. Can't wait to frame it and hang it in my home. Thank you Rikaya!

This gorgeous book belongs to now graduated senior Joanna Han. I love how she stamped the metal and instead of putting it into the acid etch she just let it be. What a great look. Plus I love how the colorful papers hang outside the format edge. Such a pretty piece Joanna.

These next 4 were created by from left to right, top to bottom, junior Audrey Pulido, senior Julie Kim, 8th grader Emmerline Kim, and sophomore Breeana Johng. Each is so unique and wonderful. Great work ladies!

And of course no post is complete without a piece by senior Caroline Ma :) designer, craftswoman extraordinaire. I love how Caroline pulled back her shutters so they go past the format edge and that she chose to weave the opening with wire, and then to dangle a few goodies at the bottom. Lovely Caroline.

And last but not least is 8th grader and one of my next superstars, 8th grader Jhoanna Coronel. She etched her text into the metal surface and pulled back some great shutters, and then added some textural papers on the inside, for a striking piece.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ms. Agrums!
    Wow, these turned out really neat! I think they were worth enduring the horrible smell of all those chemicals for... haha!
