
Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Happy Graduation 2009 Seniors

So tonight 's the night you noobs. I'm so excited to watch you all walk across the stage. But at the same time I'm sad that you are leaving. It's going to be heartbreaking tonight saying our good-byes and for some of you, this is it, the very last time I'll ever see you again. So I want to wish all of you the very best in life and love with tons of joy and happiness. I sincerely hope that all of you are able to follow your dreams and end up in jobs you love rather than trying to please your parents and becoming something that they want for you. Hopefully that's not too many of you this year. To my art majors, I'm so very proud of all of you, for nailing those art schools you wanted, and for doing so many gorgeous pieces for me this year. It was an absolute pleasure writing your recommendations, you guys made it easy by being who you are. To my non-art majors, thank you for working as hard as you did for me to keep up with the art majors. I know I pushed you hard and expected so much from you. But just look at what you produced and accomplished in such a short time. And you were so scared to take my class, weren't you. See I'm not as scary as you thought I'd be :) Maybe just a little. So many of you dropped by before and after grad practice with gifts and letters from your hearts. Thank you all so very much for all your loving messages and notes. You know I save all those, right? Many of you gave me your favorite art pieces that you made this year, your generosity has really touched my heart, and know that your work will be displayed in my home, and the art lounge at school for all to see and for me to teach with in future years. Above is a pix of me with one of my favorite seniors this year, Rikaya Obilo.

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