
Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Scratchboard with Watercolor - Student Art

These next 3 gorgeous pieces were done by my second level drawing class. Scratchboard is heavy white paper that has been coated with black ink. I give the students very sharp nibs to scratch parts of the black away to reveal various ranges of lighter values to build their pieces with. So for them it's like working backwards and a wonderful new challenge. They are encouraged to use pointillism and crosshatching drawing techniques. The piece above was done by senior Caroline Ma and she is working excursively in crosshatching. After all the scratching is done they are to watercolor over 50% of the exposed white board to bring in color and even more value range. All 3 of these pieces made the cut for the District Art Show that is going on this week at our District Office. We are in competition with the 4 other high schools in our district for prize monies. It's very exciting and our students usually make off with many of the top awards.

This condor head was done by 8th grader Jeremiah Kim. His attention to detail is phenomenal and look at how beautifully he has watercolored over the board. I am so sad to be losing Jeremiah. He and his family are moving back to Korea this summer. Jeremiah is so talented, I was hoping to take him through all four levels of drawing/painting and design. I know he wants to go into architecture, so hopefully he will continue with his art after he moves. Wishing you the very best Jeremiah.

This crazy amazing piece belongs to very talented junior Hannah Park. This is her interpretation of a Tuscan farmhouse. Hannah has incorporated many different drawing techniques in this work.

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