
Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Laura Ramirez - Guest Artist and Teacher

My students and I have had the pleasure of 2002 Alum Laura Ramirez coming every Friday at lunch to teach some oil painting basics to four of my art students who wanted to explore this medium a little more. Laura took at least 5 of my art classes when she was here at Whitney, then after graduation went off to Cerritos College to study drawing and painting there. She teaches my students on a volunteer basis and funds much of it with her own money. We are truly very lucky to have her come. Here are from left to right: juniors Jullian Kho and Hannah Park with Laura in the middle, and then seniors Steffi Wong and Kevin Lam. This pix was taken as they were doing some acrylic under paintings of a still life Laura had set up.

The finished acrylic under paintings waiting for color glazes in oil to be painted over top.

Laura is working with Steffi as she demonstrates the over glazing technique.
Jullian painting glazes of color over top her black acrylic under painting. Looking gorgeous Jullian :) Open House wall art in the background.

1 comment:

  1. So these are real oil paints? I don't see that mentioned much these days.
