
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Jamie Fingal - Professional Artist

Recently I discovered there is a major art quilter living close by in the city of Orange. Oh boy! So off I went to visit Jamie in her studio. She was so gracious, giving me a tour of her studio and showing me her art quilts. She is the author of "Embellished Mini Quilts", a book that I've looked at many times at my local bookstore. It was so much fun to meet her and see her work in person. I've always admired her playful, whimsical style and I adore her use of color. What was really cool to see were her new works (heavy metal inspired quilted embellished aprons) and her amazing sketchbooks, they were so detailed and contained beautiful photos of her work and crazy wonderful drawings of her ideas as she develops them. She was such an inspiration. Thank you Jamie for sharing with me a slice of your world. The second photo is a mini quilt that I purchased from her.

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