
Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Hand Dyed/Hand Spun Knitwear - Student Art

What's really wonderful about being a teacher is when one of your students loves a project so much that it becomes a part of their lives. Take senior Rachel Rilloraza for example. I've been her art and craft instructor for the past six years here at Whitney and when we did the hand spinning unit in Beginning 3-D art she took to it like a duck to water. In the Intermediate class she was introduced to working on an actual spinning wheel (in first year they use a hanger hook to spin with) and enjoyed it so much that I allowed her to keep one of my extra wheels at her home over the summer so she could spin to her hearts content. She is now in the fourth level 3-D class and these are some of her current projects. She also orders her fibers from Capo Fiber Arts. In the first photo she has spun two different colorways and is knitting a baby sweater with my favorite no seams pattern, and in the second photo are baby socks she spun and knit at the beginning of the year. She is almost done now with the sweater so look for it to be posted in a couple more weeks.

1 comment:

  1. I must say you have lots of fun and variety in your day! I really enjoy seeing all the work, every single piece, no matter what medium!
