
Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Welcome Aboard 2014-2015 Art Students

Really looking forward to meeting all you new students and welcoming back  all you other brave souls for a second or possibly third year with me.
Senior Karisma Dev will be starting her 6th year with me here a Whitney, a new school record!

Alum Alyssa Olea and  Josh Berger will be back as well to help me make this the best year yet!

I also want to give a great big shout out to Whitney staffers Suzanne Campbell and Dave Pasco for helping to keep Josh's succulent garden not only alive over the summer, but thriving in one of the driest summers on record.
Thank you both so much for your help!!
Well as you can see Josh is back to keep his garden going for this next year.
Even though it's been invaded by ants, it's still really healthy, and the succulents are multiplying by leaps and bounds.
I posted a pix below of the garden almost a year ago and you can see above how much larger the plants have grown.
This year I will have Josh doing a bit of propagating of the pups so that the garden fills in even more.
I took a few pix of some of my favorite succulents so you can see up close how they grown and multiplied.
Right now several of the plants are shooting up flower stalks, and if you look closely above you can see a plant mid right that looks a little like toes.
Before we left for summer vacation there were only two, now there are four!
This plant above right has gotten ginormous over the summer, and below the little tentacle plant has tripled in number.

This next one has grown 4 new heads since we left for vacation, and my absolute favorite is this one below.
Originally when Josh planted it, it had only two parts that were only partially open, but now it has multiplied into four.
So very cool!
And new art students, if you look closely you will see new buried treasures amongst the plants like this little ceramic gnome made several years ago by a ceramics student.
For 2 points of Extra Credit:
find the other NEW ceramic addition to the garden, and on a half sheet of paper do a quick sketch of it and the tiny plant Josh put in it.  
Put your name on the paper along with your class period and hand in to Mr. McHatton (my sub on Wednesday).
This will only be accepted on Wednesday.
The best drawn one will win a sweet prize.
You may add color if you wish.

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