
Thursday, September 25, 2014

Passing On The Fiber Arts

wood, polymer clay, yarn and food colors

It's really remarkable what you can do with very few supplies to make the Fiber Arts come alive for this next generation.
Lori Lawson of Capistrano Fiber Arts, do you see your three pieces on my display wall??

Here is adorable senior Daphne Chiang hanging her freshly dyed yarns to dye outside the art room door on our handy-dandy branch /wire rack.

Below are Daphne's knitting needles that she has made from scratch and her beautiful yarns are wound and ready for use.
Oh wait, she is using them already.
She's learning to do the knit garter stitch.
A cute close-up.

And then here is hard-working senior Bianca Tolentino mixing her dye solutions from Wilton's cake dyes.
All nice and safe.

Below are her needles and yarns.
She is in the process of casting on.
And a close-up.

And lastly we have colorful senior Kaili Hamada who wrote up a guest post on Monday about how much she loves color this year.
And look at her go, she is done with her knit and purl garter's and is moving on to stockinette.
Sadly, Kaili has lost one of her needles somewhere in the Whitney halls.
Hopefully it shows up soon.

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderfully colorful wall of fibery goodness. I am honored to be a part of it.
