
Tuesday, August 5, 2014

The Best for Last

watercolor, colored pencil, pastel, collage & acrylic

Well I've reached the end of the school year for 2013-2014, and I've so enjoyed showing off the creative art pieces made by my students.
I want to end with one of my favorite assignments by some of my favorite students.

I asked these very talented young people for their final assignment to do a self-portrait in their favorite medium/media.
A lot of favorites in there  LOL
So here we go 

Senior Heather Warner has loved to work in watercolor since she was in my 7th or 8th grade Art I course, so it made sense that she would pick that to end the year with.
Heather was one of my hardest working students this year and she made tremendous leaps in her skill level.
I love the pose she picked for herself.
Know that I am so proud of you Heather, and very excited for your future in Archaeology.
Can't wait for you to stop by and tell me all about it!

Even though we hadn't really used colored pencil much this year, senior Alex Lee loves to work in it and does a lot of pieces on his own time in that medium.
The close-up pose he picked of himself is so very cool and his piece was wonderful.
You nailed this Alex!

Justin Hwang, senior, is usually so calm and controlled, so it was really fun to see him bust loose in his self-portrait.
He enjoys working in pastel, and he was able to really capture that other side of his personality.

Incredibly talented senior Jasmine Zhao is a master with watercolor, so it made sense that she chose that as her medium.
But she didn't just stop there.
She took this piece two steps further and abstracted her skin coloring, and then did some cut-outs with an exacto and mounted the piece so they would stand out.
Brilliant work kiddo and so expressive!

This is the first time the others in her class are seeing senior Cathy Luo's piece completely done and assembled.  After everyone else was done and gone Cathy stayed after school with me so that she could assemble the finishing touches to her piece.
Cathy put a lot of depth and meaning into her pastel piece about the road she is traveling as she leaves us here at Whitney.  
She has also brought in other media as well on her assemblage pieces for a really well thought out design with lots of content.
Cathy pushes herself above and beyond on each and every assignment.
Good luck to you sweet girl, your future is so very bright!

And lastly we have crazy woman, senior Anne Allan, who you have seen featured so often on the blog both this and last year.
I never know how Anne will come dressed to school, she's got a zillion different looks as you can see from her painting in acrylic above and below.
Anne has definitely kept me on my toes these past two years.
She came to me with so much talent in so many areas, I found it difficult to really challenge her.
We hadn't even worked in acrylic this year. 
Because of the expense, I don't bring it out until third level art, when there is only a few kids.
But Anne, being the confident young woman that she is, told me not to worry, that she'd tried it last summer and she was sure she could pull it off.
And she did, brilliantly and beautifully, I must add.
This is one talented lady who I know will go far in the world of art.

I'm kinda sad, this is the end until I get next years crop of kids.
The only thing left is the Senior Farewell which will take me a couple days to put together, but in the meantime I've got some other pix to put up  :)
So stay tuned.

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