
Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Senior Tribute 2014 - Part III - Finale

One of the greatest challenges about doing these farewells is not leaving anyone out.
So please know that I had so many of you seniors that wanted to come back to art but couldn't fit it in your schedules this year but know that you were not forgotten.
Kaya, Ashley, Tristan and Beah, I so wanted to work with you four a second year.
Just know that your junior year we spent together was a blast, and I loved, loved, loved getting to know you all.

And sadly, I just didn't take enough pix for this year, that's all there is to it.
Not enough planning ahead on my part.  :(
But know I tried really hard to fit as many of you in as possible.
So just because I didn't mention you, know that I saw incredible skills and designs from you first timers like John G., Catherine C., Alice C., Kavya, Jackie (OMG crazy talent!), Akash, Annie R., Dhruvi., Tiffany K., Julia K., Sam K. (make me proud), Vinisha, Jasmine L., sweet Maryann, Ema, Karen, Neha (clay woman), Priya (designer extraordinaire), Lacey, Allison T., and Minette (another clay woman), and yes even you Cole, when you tried  :)
I feel so gypped that I didn't get more then one year with all of you

And to see Jinnie C. and David E., Tim C. and Saaika come back for a second go-round, that was so cool  and it made me ridiculously happy that you wanted to do it all over again.

Michaela Platt, you as well had to make a choice. 
I was devastated not to get you back for a 3rd year in 2-D.
I've adored you since the 7th grade.
You have such a big heart and so much goodness, and talk about artistic gifts.
You are truly blessed.
But I do have a confession to make.
There should have been an art award for you from me at Senior Awards Banquet Nite.
But because I was so wrapped up in the seniors from this year, I sadly overlooked you at this very important event.
I'm so sorry, know that in my heart you should have been up there with Anne Allan, Cathy Luo and Jasmine Zhao.
I hope you know it wasn't intentional.
I look forward to seeing where your creative energy takes you so
please keep in touch.

Before I continue,  I've got to give a shout out and a great big thank you to one of my  favorites from this year, senior Josh Berger.
As I get older it seems to get harder and harder for me to take care of all the prepping connected with teaching the arts.   
No matter how hard I try to get everything done there is always so many more things on my plate needing attention.
And thankfully, Josh was there to lend a helping hand, often reading my mind about things that needed doing.
Josh had 2 periods with me this year as my Teacher's Aide, and also got a chance to teach a couple of units to my 3-D students on woodworking.
He is a natural born leader and teacher and super intelligent.
He's taught me so much this year about working on the computer.
He's saved my ass more time then you could know.  LOL
 I've asked him to come back next year as a paid part time assistant because he's spoiled me is what he's done, and I can't even imagine not having him around.
You are a wonderful young man Josh, and you've made your parents and I so proud of you!
THANK YOU for all that you've done for me!!! 


You all cleaned up real well for this momentous occasion.
For you all, I wore my most artsy-fartsy shoes since that's really the only thing that shows.  :)
In the sleeves of my robe I brought along my camera, school keys, Kleenex, lip stick, gum and peanuts.
You probably felt something smack you in the back when I was hugging you.  LOL
My arms weighted a ton  

I was so proud to watch all of you walking in to take your seats.
Jasmine, you were especially stunning with your gorgeous hair and make-up.

Alyssa Wakamiya, who knew you could sing like an angel, everyone but me apparently  LOL
Shows I've been stuck in my classroom too long  :)
Your sweet voice and song choice touched us all.
Thank you for that beautiful gift as well as the incredible pieces you produced in my Beginning 3-D class.
Your craftsmanship was exceptional! 
(sorry pix isn't better quality) 

Erin Sun, 
Class of 2014 President, 
(gosh I wish I had a pix of you)
you really started the tears with your heartfelt farewell speech.
 I was so proud to have been the teacher of one with such a huge heart and amazing insights. 
It was the perfect end to a wonderful year.
Thank you Erin for your beautiful words.

Another favorite moment for me was when all of you stood to sing the Alma Mater, and you put your arms around each other.
So many tears were flowing by all as your sweet voices filled the air..

As the streamers flew into the air and the sun set that night on the back of the school on room 18, I couldn't have asked for a more wonderful group of young people to teach the arts to.
I know that this will be the last time we are all together,
and some of you will never walk this way again.

May your journey be full of crazy, wonderful adventures,
 life-long friends made,
 and may you find that one great love to share your life with.
I wish you all so much happiness and joy like you have brought to me.  

And now,
I want to end the farewell with you James Cho.
I bet you thought I forgot you, huh?
Nope, just saving the best for last  :)
You just never know who you will connect to in this life, 
when all the stars align,
 and you know that you have made a deep and lasting relationship for life.
That is how I feel about you James.
I've only worked with you for two years in Ceramics I & II, 
but in that short time we have established such a strong bond.
I love and care about you as if you were my own son,
your happiness and health mean everything to me.
You are truly one of the best people I've ever  known, 
your goodness is a rare and beautiful thing.
Probably only the 7th graders knows this, but I want all your classmates to know that you stopped by every single day 7th period to see if I needed any help with those spirited young ones.
That meant so much to me James.
I know how you shy away from compliments,
but I only hope to be as good as you when I finally grow up (which seems to be taking me forever  :)
Your strength of character inspired me everyday.
Just try not to let life and all the bad get you down.
I know it's very hard,
 but what I have come to find out is that you have a very strong spirit that keeps you afloat.
I believe you were put on this earth to show others kindness, gentleness, and goodness. 
And hopefully one of these days through your examples we can become a gentler society and move towards more random acts of kindness.
I love you James.

I love you Class of 2014, 
now go make me even prouder than I already am.

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