
Monday, July 14, 2014

Rockits Farewell

After 30 years with his band The Rockits, Jim is saying farewell to his buddies for a while as he prepares for very serious back surgery.

This was his last gig in the most beautiful setting at a sprawling ranch home in Fallbrook.
It looked like we were in Tuscany, the views were breathtaking, the backyard a paradise.
They had one of every kind of fruit tree, a succulent garden, a ball court below the pool area.
Life must be very sweet living in this lap of luxury.
The weather was perfect and the boys in the band sounded terrific.
We will miss the music, our dear friends, the dancing and singing and all the old tunes we grew up with.
And even though Jim is in tremendous pain as he waits for his surgery, he still picks up his guitar every night and plays for me as we get ready for bed.
Because it's all about the music  :)

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