
Friday, July 11, 2014

Let's Eat!

porcelain clay, glaze, oxides

Laarnie and Reis both expressed an interest in revisiting clay in their 3-d class so I wanted to challenge them since they are both outstanding students with this dinnerware assignment.
And 'm so glad I did because their results were incredible.

This first set belongs to junior Laarnie Barcelon.
The kids were required to make at least 3 pieces.  
Laarnie did a couple more for extra credit.
Her cup was my favorite with all the embossed designs she stamped into it.
And then to show them off she stained with red iron oxide and glazed with transparent over top.  

I also really loved the bottom of her bowl.
I always tell me students that it's human nature to turn things over to see the bottom so you had better make it look good.
She listened  :)

Another close up of one of her cups.

I feel badly that I didn't take a shot of junior Reis Makasa's set.
Don't know what I was thinking. 
But this is his plate.
On this piece he stained with cobalt and chrome carbonates to highlight his stamped areas, then transparent glaze over. 

Loved his mug and how his handle flows with the form. 
He took special pains with the oxides to show off his designs.

Great work you two!

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