
Sunday, July 27, 2014

How Does Your Garden Grow?

clay, glaze, oxides, soil & plants

These mini gardens were planted on the day of my ceramic student's final.
My going away present to the class were a selection of sun and shade plants along with soil so that they could plant to their hearts content.
The kids slab built (mostly thumped and dragged) their planters to specific size requirements so that at least 2 seedlings would be able to thrive.
Many of my students have never done any gardening so I gave them a brief lesson in the planting, care and propagation of the plants they chose.
I just wish I had thought to take pix of them at work, and the care they took in the handling of the seedlings. 
So sweet!
I'm just hoping they remember to water them thru this hot summer we're having!

This first beauty by senior Anne Allan had a bas relief  lion face on the top hanging portion, and was quite striking and a class favorite.

Two of my personal favorites were made by senior Neha Jain (above) and Nicholas Tudor (below).
Neha used the thump and drag technique to stretch out her stamped slabs for tons of visual texture while Nick used a rolling pin for a super smooth surface that he stamped with buttons.
Nick also brought in his own cacti to plant for a very dramatic look while Neha's choice in flowers gives hers a softer feel.

These next two we works of art were created by seniors Jocelyn Kim and Lacey Thach.
Both girls stained their entire planters with Red Iron Oxide then hand painted Transparent glaze in specific areas for high contrast and focal points.

Above, juniors Yasmeen Pardo and Sameera Ahmad have also made very cool pieces.
Yasmeen loves to embed metal into her clay pieces while Sameera twists clay coils to catch the eye.

And finally senior Norris Khoo builds a clever turtle shell for his planter and glazes it so that all his textural elements are showcased.
Wonderful work Norris and all of you!
Now go give your gardens some water!!

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