
Thursday, July 24, 2014

A Printing We Will Go

embossed paper design with various media

For my beginning drawers, this was the best way to end the year.
To come up with an original design and build a plate to emboss it into paper using a printing press, then to add their favorite medium/media.
Their plates were built onto dense cardboard by gluing all sorts of goodies to form their designs (yarns, wire, laces, cardboard shapes, thin buttons, etc.)
After the glue has dried for 24 hours they were taught to use the blotters and printing press.
After the embossments were dry they came in with their favorite medium.

This exquisite one above was done by junior Zoe Lin.
She used watercolor to bring in her added something.

Junior Nathan Chong who is showing off his drawing skills by bring in watercolor and pen and ink onto his embossment.

Senior Catherine Chiou used watercolor beautifully in her eye embossment in a primary color scheme, and below senior John Gaintano used both watercolor and pen and ink in his very cool design.

Senior Alex Arias (our Varsity pitcher) used his favorite player as inspiration for his piece and used just the right amount of watercolor to compliment it.

Junior Michael Cantu brings us once again one of his moody landscapes, his signature design go to, and uses watercolor to make it pop.

And senior Vivian Dinh-Dang also used watercolor in her mermaid design.
I have to say that I'm thrilled so many of my students are using watercolor, and using it so well.
I'm guessing they really enjoyed the watercolor unit.

Yoo-Bin Han, senior, is using it as well as bringing in beads and stones to enhance her non-objective design.
As is senior Kavya Madhavan below.
Beautiful work girls!

And this next one above by junior Michelle Ni was impossibly detailed and so well executed.
 I was really impressed Michelle!

And then a twist for extra credit. 
After embossing and doing the added color like junior Karen Malacon did above with the eye-catching pastel cityscape, she rolled printing ink over top her plate and then printed that for the piece below her other.
Not too many kids took advantage of this because we ran out of time, but if you look below, you will see junior Sunny Kim's floral embossment with watercolor and pastel next to her extra credit printing ink piece.
She was able to make time for the extra credit.
Bravo to all of you!

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