
Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Following in the Footsteps of Maria Martinez

clay, sawdust firing, embellishments

I've always been a big fan of Native American Arts and Crafts and have taken many workshops to learn several of the craft techniques so that I can share them with my students.
One of my favorites is Pueblo Pottery.
The kids went all out this year with the embellishments.

Two of my favorites this year where done by seniors Neha Jain (above) and Cindy Ryoo (below).
Both pieces are exquisite. 

Senior Jocelyn Kim, junior Kyung Yi, and senior Anne Allan were the creators of this next grouping of three.
I wish I had thought to have taken a side view of Anne's.
She drew pix on with india ink, plus it would have shown better her raised feet on the bottom.

This next one by senior Priya Sheth was stunning with her metallic rubbings, her shards of glass and bead embellishments.
Also, check out the nails she embedded along the rim, and how she used them to tie on her waxed linen thread.
So cool!

This last grouping by seniors Minette Tsang, Saarika Bhakta, and junior Sameera Ahmad were really lovely as well.
I really liked how Saarika (center) planned her pierced windows then used them to house her embellishments.
Clever girl!

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