
Monday, May 26, 2014

Relief Printing

rubber stamping pad, water based printmaking ink

Seniors Megan Yeu and Jarick Symbol just finished up a relief printing unit.
They had to print an edition of 5 along with an artist's proof.
Both made a couple extra as you can see below.
They also had to do at least a 3 color registration which is fairly complex and involves a lot of critical thinking and pre-planning. 

Megan went all out above and did a 6 color registration within her piece, highly difficult on this small a scale, which makes her work look very dimensional.
The kids were also required to mount their favorite print, that's why you see matt board and embellishments around the prints.

They were also required to try printing on different surfaces.
Jarick really liked printing on tissue paper above because it gives a slight crinkly texture.

Both kids really enjoyed the process so now I'm moving them into Monoprinting.

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