
Friday, May 16, 2014

And You Thought You Couldn't Draw


If you've been a follower for the last couple of years you might notice that this year many of my beginners came to me with high level drawing skills already (drawings on the left).
But by teaching with Dr. Betty Edwards "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain" book I'm able to get my students to at least Junior Collage level techniques or higher.
Wherever they end up there is always a significant improvement, and they love seeing their results as well as the progress of their classmates.
Let me start with senior Yoo-Bin Han drawing 8th grader Nari Park.  
Very decent skill level coming in but just look at where she ended up!

Senior Jackie Manipon drawing senior Cole Mesa was another who came in with skills, but her line style and attention to detail came up ten-fold!

Senior Alex Arias probably came to me with some of the highest level techniques in place.  
In his before he was really able to do a nice job with senior Catherine Chiou.
But as you view his after you can see that his proportions are so much more true, and that he is feeling more confident using all the paper rather then a small portion.

Junior Smruthi Maganti who was paired up with senior Tim Creasy, came in with junior high level skills, and did a tremendous job capturing him in real life.  

Here Nari Park, who was drawn above by Yoo-Bin, was too timid to even try to make a stab at drawing her face, sensitively captures Yoo-Bin's sweet profile.

I try to partner up the kids hoping that they don't really know each other, or one shy kid with one social student.
It takes a lot of thought on my part so that means I really need to get to know their personalities before we begin this unit.
I don't have them start until the beginning of second quarter; fist quarter is filled with color theory and design assignments.
Above senior Akash Patel is drawing sophomore Abigail Kim, a very challenging subject, right Abby?  :)
He has done such a lovely job with her.  

Junior Michael Cantu was partnered with junior Zoe Lin, and he did a sensitive and highly realistic job with his after portrait of her.
His hair techniques were remarkable!

And in this last one sophomore Elias Rodriguez really shows a lot of growth in his portrait of 8th grader Kristina Dorsz.

Congrats to all my Beginners for your trust in me as I took you on this journey.


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