
Friday, April 25, 2014

Treasures in the Garden


Over the course of this school year we are finding buried treasure's placed in senior Josh Berger's garden by the other students and faculty.
On top of the bird bath we now have a crow's feather, plastic butterfly and below, a crazy clay head.

Buried under a canopy of tall succulents one of our faculty, Donna Hall, donated a special rock from deceased teacher Gin Pooler's rock collection that she used to teach science class with.
Virgina Pooler has a very special place in my heart. 
In 1984 she talked me into getting my Master's Degree with her at USIU, so that we could rise higher on our district's pay scale.  
It was there that I meet my first husband, Inars Agrums, who I had my two beautiful children with.
So Gin, I love that your rock has ended up in our garden.
I also taught Gin's two children, Erin and Brock Pooler, in my art classes.  
Both were artistically gifted and took at least 3 classes each with me.
Both are now serving in our United States Armed Forces.
Thank you both for your service to our country, and the next time you visit Whitney you can see your mother's stone.
This last clay treasure was made by an alum and left behind when he graduated.  I stained it and placed it in the garden.
So next time you all stop by, see if you can find these hidden treasures, and hopefully more will be added each year.

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