
Sunday, April 27, 2014

Springtime on the Mountain

I'm hoping you won't get tired of all my postings on what's going on in our gardens, but I just enjoy the growing and blooming process so very much.  
My mother instilled in me and my son a love of nature and beauty.
A day cannot go by without a check on all that grows.

Everywhere I look seedlings and bulbs are coming up, some that I can identify, some I cannot.
Below I have a peony poking thru the ground, the other I have no clue.  :)

Here we have a hyacinth bulb in the center with daffodils surrounding it two months ago,
below the hyacinth bloomed last week. 

Above the tulips I planted in the fall are coming up...
Two weeks ago...

A neighbors tulips on the other side of the mountain.

The chickadees have returned to the birdhouse right outside the kitchen window, just as the post-it note had said they would, so I get to see them play.

And then this plant that I thought was a huge weed coming up everywhere on the mountain, turns out it has the most delicate purple stemmed flowers.

And a really nice surprise, ferns everywhere are raising their sweet heads above, and spreading their wings, below.

My tiny ornamental plum that I planted in the fall that lost it's leaves and I wasn't sure if it was going to make it, is full of life and color.

And the sweet cherry tree that actually had cherries on it when I planted it at the end of summer is in full bloom now.

But the best are the trees that skirt the front of the house's steps, the trees that were my mother's favorites that she was never able to grow in our So.Cal. weather of La Mirada, the lilacs.  
They are not only sprouting leaves...
but this week are in full bloom.  
I wish you were here to see these mom, but on second thought, I know you are with me, and are enjoying them as much as we are.

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