
Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The Last Hurrah 2nd Quarter 7th Graders

Embossment with Added Color
7th Grade Art Wheel-2nd Quarter

I haven't done this assignment in a few years because of the added furlough days when our District was in the red and we had less school days.  But this year we got a couple of them back, enough so that I was able to bring back this really fun assignment with the younguns.
We used an actual printing press that I bought years ago from Dick
Blick for $500 that's now selling for $2000 (can you believe that?)  
You can see below how the kids created a plate a top cardboard by gluing on various shapes.
I get the kids actual printmaking paper so these turn out well.
They learn to wet and blot their paper, then to place it on top of their plate and run it thru the press.
They love this assignment.
After the paper dries they come in with one or more of the various media they've learned to use.
One of my favorites was made by Melissa Aldana.  
She chose to color hers in with watercolor.

Next we have Denise De Guzman with her non-objective design.  
Certain buttons that don't stick up too high work really well for this process.

Another favorite was this one by Divya Cowgill.  
She titled this work "If My Heart Flew Away"
I love that she chose to use paper collage for her touch of color as well as oil pastel in the border and actually gluing on buttons in the finished piece.
Very clever girl!

Sweet Angela Mak did this very pretty rainbow that she calls "Peace, Love and Beauty".

And Minh Dinh gave us this enormous bug that he calls "If Insects Were Big".

Samuel Jon did this powerful Nike piece in vivid blue oil pastels.

And then Sara Ryave did this super cool work; creating so much movement thru the gluing down of rice, paper collage and beads.  
Love it!

And very talented Larissa Nguyen gives us this very sweet panda thru pen and ink and watercolor.
"Life's Simple Pleasures"

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