
Friday, March 21, 2014

The Fiber Arts Are Coming Alive Here at Whitney

featuring juniors Kaili Hamada and Bianca Tolentino

Two of my Beginning 3-D students, Kaili and Bianca, have expressed a huge interest in learning more about the spinning and weaving process after we finished those units in class.  So both these girls have been coming in during their snacks, lunches and after school to explore and work with me on an individual basis.

So here you see Kail with good friend Nicholas Tudor, using my drum carder to blend wools she has sent away for thru the mail.  Both girls are using their own funds and dipping into our fiber arts community for beautiful hand dyed rovings.  They are so excited when they arrive in the mail, running joyously into my room to show me their newest purchases.
Kaili has not only taught herself to spin on my wheels, but often times I find her standing instead of sitting to spin.  That's because we have very short snacks and lunches, so she doesn't have time to grab a chair, easier to just stand.  These kids crack me up!
Isn't she a doll??
Makes my heart so happy  :)

I've featured Bianca before on the spinning wheel, well here she is on one of my rigid heddle tabletop looms.  This is Bianca's first experience on a loom this size so she is making a sampler, then will use her own handspuns to weave and warp with in her next piece.
I'm just so proud to show off these girls, and all that they are learning to do, and how quickly they are picking it up.
Our next generation of Fiber Arts.
Woo Hoo!!!! 

1 comment:

  1. It makes me so happy to see your students so interested in the fiber arts. Keep up the good work, Deb!
