
Friday, March 14, 2014

"It Never Rains in California"

Isn't that a song?
Well, we finally got a bit of rain, and boy oh boy, did Josh's garden love it.
Here are the daffodils just starting to bloom right after 3 days of rain, then after it dried up the anenomies started opening their sweet faces below.
It's really starting to fill up and thrive.  
The students had to be trained to walk around this spot instead of thru it, and now that the flowers are blooming they are stopping to enjoy.  
Some of them are even taking photos for our photography class.  
Now that's cool! 
But the nicest thing is that a couple of the kids are volunteering to keep it weeded and pull out the trash, pine needles  and long hair, yes, lots and lots of hair from over a thousand students who stroll past all day long that blows in.

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