
Monday, March 31, 2014

Ambiance is Key

featuring senior Karisma Dev
Karisma's assignment was to create a large felt sculpture that was very 3-d, so she decided she wanted to build a light into her piece.
She began with a child's large bouncy ball from the grocery store and first wrapped a layer of yellow roving around the entire thing, the then two more layers below with orange fleece.
Sadly, the ball popped during the weekend and she had to take the whole thing apart and start over.
So instead of building around a ball, she created her bottom circular layers first then put a brown plastic bag over top to separate her top layers.
Here is the piece below after wet felting.
She cut a hole in the center and is in the process of pulling out the brown bag.
I really like how her edges ruffled in the felting process.
You can also see below how she has made some cuts into the felt sides and is pinning areas that she wants to shape and flatten a bit, then go in with more wet felting.

The finished piece is absolutely gorgeous, and when lite creates the most atmospheric ambiance in the art room.  
Karisma created a wire structure on the inside to hold the piece's form.
And you can see how she added a bit of tulle to help cover the bulb fixture.
Then the finishing touch were the seed beads that she sewed on to bring a bit of texture and sparkle.
Can you believe this young woman is only 16 years old?
I can't even imagine what she will create when she goes off to collage and art school!

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