
Monday, February 10, 2014

Learning to Roll Out Slabs - Student Work


First the beginners learned how to manipulate the clay by stretching and bending, next we covered the pinch pot and now I move them into slab work.  but before we build and actual box, I have them start with something much simpler, a slab footed bowl.  In this assignment they also learn to use a mold to form their slab over to get a concave shape.  We make the molds from crunched up newspaper wrapped with masking tape.  And once again I have them practice scoring and slipping to connect their foot.

This very elegant first work is the creation of junior Nicholas Tudor.  This is my first time to work with Nick and I find his design solutions unique and really well thought out in terms of construction.  A deep critical thinker, I love that!

This bold and striking piece was done by senior Priya Sheth.  I really like how she glazed it by painting on our yellow and turquoise glaze over top the black to highlight her designs.

And once again, it's senior Anne Allan with her creative interpretation.  Love the height she has brought to her foot.

This next one by senior Jocelyn Kim is cool with it's pierced openings.

And senior Minette Tsang has done a bit of inlay work with the tiny clay balls, one of my favorite design solutions on both the front and backside of her bowl.  To glaze, she has stained it with cobalt carbonate, then dipped it into transparent glaze, for a really good look.

Love this next one by senior Saarika Bhakta, her glazing is so wonderful.   First a dip into out transparent glaze, then over painting with cobalt and red iron oxides and finally a flicker of blue matte glaze sprinkled on top. 

Our last one here was made by junior Cindy Ryoo.  It really shows off her stamped textures by using our semi-transparent bluegreen glaze.  And check out that textural foot edge, love it!

1 comment:

  1. What varieties of great work! Love all of them. You must be proud of them Debbie - Hugs Nat
